Laskar Pelangi State

Bangka is also known as Laskar Pelangi State. In this province there Laskar Pelangi Beach which has white sand with blue sea water. The natural beauty of Foreign Laskar Pelangi located in Tanjung Pandan, Belitong, Provisni Pacific Islands is so attractive to tourists who visit it per well for a return visit the beach. However, for those of you who are just planning to visit the State Laskar Pelangi, here are some interesting things that is very dear to you not miss:

1. Coffee manggar

As the name implies, manggar coffee actually comes from manggar. However, to be able to enjoy the taste of coffee manggar, you do not need to bother to go to manggar. Yes, in Tanjung Pandan, Belitong, there are many coffee shops that sell typical blend of Robusta coffee is. In the presentation, the coffee will be blended with the filtered-filtering techniques. Belitung people call this coffee as "Kopi O". To be able menikmatik O cup of coffee, you just pay around Rp. 5000, - per cup.

2. Langkuas Island

Around the island of Belitung, there are many small islands. In general, these islands have white sand. One of the small island that is quite attractive for tourists to visit the island of Langkuas. On this island there is a lighthouse that has been built since 1882. Until now, the lighthouse is still operating under Class I Navigation District, Tg.Priok, Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transportation.

3. Snorkeling

For those of you who like snorkeling, there are some interesting spots in K., including Lengkuas, Sail Rock Island, Cape Kelayang Island, Sand Island, and other islands around Belitong. If you visit Belitong with a package tour, usually snorkeling activities already offered in the package. To be able bersnorkling, you only have to pay around Rp. 30,000, - to Rp. 50.000, - to pay for equipment rental snorkel equipment.

4. Noodle Soup Belitong

Coffee manggar addition, other culinary tours that you can enjoy in Belitong is Mie Belitong Kuah. This food is a special food Laskar Pelangi State. Usually Mie Kuah Belitong can be met along the main road Tanjung Pandan. To complete the dish Noodle Kuah Belitung, you can feel the fresh orange ice lock.

5. Mine area Kaoline

Besides the beach, Belitong also has some pertambambangan areas, such as Kaoline and tin mining area. Kaoline merukan mining products commonly used in the cosmetics industry for the manufacture of powder and pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of pills. It distinguishes Kaoline mines and tin mines is the color. Kaoline mine Tosca blue color, black color when tin mines
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